the future
1XEACH [one cross each]

the near future

the far future


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the near future

the second album is already in work, its name will be 'eyes wide shut' and it will contain about 15 tracks. the running time compared to the first album will be increased to about 60 minutes.

the statement of this album is clear and identical to the aim of '1XEACH' and to the statement of the first album that has been completed in 2001/2002.


click the image for more information


no cover versions, no simple beats, no simple harmonics, no 'everyday used by everyone' sounds, no silly texts.

some rearrangements of already released songs will be mixed up with all new compositions and sounds for making the audio, music and sound experience much stronger as it is at the moment.


the far future

since '1XEACH' is an audio project for the living sound it has one thing in common with projects and life in general: it never ends...

...a third album is planed already, maybe with a new conceptional part in it. but as you know, the lack of time is to blame..., faithfully, i hope that a famous producer of a famous record label will visit this site, listen to the demos, find them valid, cool, or whatever and... day you can find some more music by '1XEACH' in your local record store...


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